live today in a world undergoing rapid change. The rapid
growth of
has contributed to changes in production and to better
living conditions in many parts of the world; it has also
made communication easier and quicker. While it took the
news of Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo three days to reach
Paris in the 19th century, today it would take less than
three seconds on the Internet.
The modern world is now a global village in which
boundaries are shrinking and being redefined.
We live in a globalized society and economy, a
world of interconnections and interdependence between
different parts of the world. With globalization
comes the need to be literate about other countries and
the global issues faced by people living in these
places. As we transition to the twenty-first
century, it is imperative that students' approach to the
world be grounded in reason, respect, and
emphasizes an intellectual understanding of complex
international and intercultural issues.
emphasizes an appreciation of global diversity and
tolerance toward other points of view.
emphasizes the fact that we are part of a global
community in which our actions (whether cultural,
environmental, economic, or political in nature) impact
life in other regions of the globe. This web site
serves as a resource to help both students and teachers
explore the many issues facing the world, and thus learn
the three R's of living in a globalized age.
Funding provided by a
Model Technology Infused Course Development
grant from the Board of Regents of the
System of Georgia.
This WWW site is intended for use in conjunction
with the IDST 2205: Global Issues in
Society course at Georgia
College & State
University. This
course is one of nine interdisciplinary courses
in the core curriculum, and is the result of the
collaboration of
from various schools and
of GC & SU.
This web site is also the
result of an interdisciplinary cooperative
effort. Contributing faculty/staff include:
Dr. Deborah Vess,
Director of the Grant Project, Professor of History
and Interdisciplinary Studies; virtual tours , reference pages, content
pages, and technical work.
Derek Alderman,
Assistant Professor of Geography; maps and
geography slide database.
Dr. Dan Good, Professor of
Geography, Georgia Southern University;
geography slide database.
Frank Lowney,
Director of Instructional Technology Services;
technical assistance.
Catherine Locks,
graduate student in history and graduate
assistant in Interdisciplinary Studies;
technical assistance.
Hines, Coordinator,
Distance Learning Career Masters in Public
Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory
University; consultant for the collaborative
learning projects.
Special thanks to
Palmer of GC&SU, our international students, and Dr. Greg Okoro of Georgia Perimeter College for their
presentations on communication
All rights to these materials
are reserved as indicated to Dr. Vess or Dr. Alderman and to the Interdisciplinary Studies Program at Georgia College & State University.
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