World Civilization
to 1550 C.E.

World Civilization
1550 to the present

World Civilization Interactive Journey

HIST 4130/5130
The Middle Ages

HIST 4950/5950
Medieval Monasticism

HIST 4950/WMST 4950: Women in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

HIST 4950/5950: The Medieval Worldin Film

HIST 4140/5140
Renaissance and

HIST 4280/5280:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
to 1500 C.E.

HIST 4285/5285:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
since 1500 C.E.

IDST 2305:
The Heroic Quest

IDST 2310:
The Fine and
Applied Arts
in Civilization

IDST 2205:
Global Issues

Women's Studies

Study Abroad

Writing Resources

Style Sheets and Manuals


Databases, Bibliographies,
and other WWW
Research Resources


Online Quizzes

Virtual Tours

Georgia College &
State University

The Black Death and the Century of Woe

The Center for Disease Control Plague Page
The Plague and Public Health in Europe
An Early Account of the Plague

A Map of the transmission of the Plague

A short summary of the Black Death in History

The Anonimalle Chronicle

The Plague in England

A Muslim Account of the Plague

The Plague in India

The Black Death and the Jews from the Jewish History Sourcebook

Boccaccio: introduction to the Decameron from the medieval sourcebook

Plague excellent set of resources on the outbreak of plague in 1665 in England

The Pestilence Time

The Black Death and Art

The Black Death by Skip Knox

general introduction to the Black Death in the fourteenth century

Discussion of the plague from the Decameron Web

Death in Art

excellent site chronicling the impact of the plague on art in the fourteenth and later centuries

The bacterium that changed history

excellent review of Norman Cantor's In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World it Made

History of Plagues

A Bibliography of Resources on the Plague

Climactic Effects of Historic Volcanoes

A discussion of the research by NASA scientist Richard Strothers, who has proposed that volcanic eruptions are related to outbreaks of plague.

Illuminated manuscripts which depict the Revolt of the Jacquerie in 1358

Map showing outbreaks of plague 1346-1350 and Peasant Revolts of the fourteenth century in Europe

Biblioteque Nationale de France presents the Age of Charles V

illuminated manuscripts and other resources relevant to The Hundred Years' War era

Address of the Commons

On the times Poem from the reign of Richard II

Literature of the reign of Richard II and the Peasants's Revolt