World Civilization
to 1550 C.E.
World Civilization
1550 to the present
World Civilization Interactive Journey
HIST 4130/5130
The Middle Ages
HIST 4950/5950
Medieval Monasticism
HIST 4140/5140
Renaissance and
HIST 4280/5280:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
to 1500 C.E.
HIST 4285/5285:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
since 1500 C.E.
IDST 2310:
The Fine and
Applied Arts
in Civilization
IDST 2205:
Global Issues
Women's Studies
Study Abroad
Writing Resources
Style Sheets and Manuals
Databases, Bibliographies,
and other WWW
Research Resources
Online Quizzes
Virtual Tours
Georgia College &
State University
The Wonders
of Ancient China
China Through the Waring
States class outline
China from the Ch'in
Though the Han class outline
China from the T'ang
through Ghengis Khan
- class outline
Dr. Vess's Multimedia
Presentation on China
- Password required, and access is restricted to students at GCSU.
Vess's Interactive Unit on China (requires Shockwave plug-in from
You may also want to explore Dr. Vess's commentaries
on the tomb of Shi Huang Ti, Temple of Heaven, and the Forbidden City
in her discussion of Art
and the State in China for the IDST
2310 course.
WWW Asian Studies: China
- This is an excellent resource for the study of China. This list
contains links to databases on modern and historic China.
WWW Asian Studies: Tibet
WWW Asian Studies: Mongolia
- Explore the home of Ghengis Khan from a historic and modern perspective
The Diamond
- The oldest known printed book. This link takes you to the British
Library Page, where you will need to click on the Digital Library
link, and then find the Diamond Sutra.
Art Gallery
- Explore the art of Asia
Art Treasures
- Explore the wonders of Chinese Art, and the art of a number of other
Radar images of the Great Wall
- images taken from the space shuttle, revealing segments of Sui Wall,
which run parallel to those of the Ming. . Look under "archaeology,"
where you will find all sorts of wonders, including radar images of
parts of the Silk Road!