World Civilization
to 1550 C.E.

World Civilization
1550 to the present

World Civilization Interactive Journey

HIST 4130/5130
The Middle Ages

HIST 4950/5950
Medieval Monasticism

HIST 4950/5950:
The Medieval World in Film

HIST/WMST 4950/5950:
Women in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds

HIST 4950/5950:
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

HIST 4140/5140
Renaissance and

HIST 4280/5280:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
to 1500 C.E.

HIST 4285/5285:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
since 1500 C.E.

IDST 2310:
The Fine and
Applied Arts
in Civilization

IDST 2205:
Global Issues

Women's Studies

Study Abroad

Writing Resources

Style Sheets and Manuals


Databases, Bibliographies,
and other WWW
Research Resources


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Virtual Tours

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Georgia College &
State University


Class outline for Egypt
Dr. Vess's Multimedia Presentation on Egypt
Password required; access restricted to GCSU students.
Tour Egypt's Ehistory of Ancient Egypt

Egyptology Resources

Petrie Museum: Digital Egypt for Universities

This is an excellent site, with maps, images, and other resources for the study of ancient Egypt from the predynastic through the protodynastic and dynastic eras, as well as the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. A must visit site. 
The Ancient History Sourcebook: Egypt


Virtual Tours

Pilgrimage to Abydos
an excellent virtual tour of the temple complex at Abydos

Guardian's Egypt

Don't miss the cyberjourneys.
Step Pyramid at Saqqara
Clickable map of the step pyramid of Djoser.

Nova Online Pryamids

Don't miss this quicktime tour through the Pyramids of Giza.

Land of the Pyramids from the Discovery Channel

An Introduction to the history and culture of Pharaonic Egypt

The Ancient Egypt Site

contains numerous digital images of artifacts, primary source texts, and other useful summaries of periods and issues related to Egyptian history.


This site also contains several very interesting VR tours.


Egyptian Art, Architecture, and Mythology

Egyptian Mythology
Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology
The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Exhibit of Egyptian Artifiacts at the Memphis Museum
Ancient Egypt Pictures Hall
Reeder's Egypt Page


Benlich's word list
a compilation of Egyptian words which are currently known
Middle Egyptian
contains a history of hieroglpyphics and a translation engine! Enjoy!

Papyrus Manuscripts

Duke Papyrus Archives
a wealth of digitized images of papyrus manuscripts.
Egyptian Coffin Texts