World Civilization
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Georgia College &
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The Hebrew Account of the Flood:

Some Passages from Genesis on the animals Brought Into the Ark

Passage 1

(Genesis 6:19-20) From all living creatures, from all living things, you must take two of each kind aboard the ark, to save their lives with yours; they must be a male and a female. Of every species of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that creeps along the ground, two must go with you so that their lives are saved.


(Genesis 7:2-3) Of every clean animal you must take seven pairs,a male and a female; of the unclean animals, you must take one pair, a male and its female, and of the birds of heaven, seven pairs, a male and its female, to preserve their species throughout the earth.

Passage 3

(Genesis 7:7-10) Noah with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives boarded the ark to escape the waters of the flood. Of the clean animals and the animals that are not clean, of the birds and all that creeps on the ground, one pair boarded the ark with Noah, one male and female, as G-d commanded Noah.