World Civilization
to 1550 C.E.

World Civilization
1550 to the present

World Civilization Interactive Journey

HIST 4130/5130
The Middle Ages

HIST 4950/5950
Medieval Monasticism

HIST 4140/5140
Renaissance and

HIST 4280/5280:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
to 1500 C.E.

HIST 4285/5285:
Intellectual and
Cultural History
of Europe
since 1500 C.E.

IDST 2310:
The Fine and
Applied Arts
in Civilization

IDST 2205:
Global Issues

Women's Studies

Study Abroad

Writing Resources

Style Sheets and Manuals


Databases, Bibliographies,
and other WWW
Research Resources


Online Quizzes

Virtual Tours

Return to the World Civ Virtual Library Home Page

Georgia College &
State University

The Hebrews

Class Outline
Dr. Vess's Interactive Module on the Hebrews users need Shockwave from Macromedia

Comparative Texts

The Bible
Full text versions of the Bible, in several translations. (Includes New Testament, not accepted as canonical by Jews).
The Bible Gateway
Search the King James Version (KJV) or the revised standard version (RSV) for assigned keywords and phrases. Restrict your answer to passages from the Pentateuch (Torah: Genesis, exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy)
Resources for the Study of Judaism and Jewish History/Culture
WWW Asian Studies: Israel
Biblical and Modern Israel
Israel: Archaeology from the air
A wonderful series of aerial photographs, capturing the history of Israel from Biblical through Roman times!
Israel in old maps and views
An exciting introduction to the art of cartography, which provides some interesting glimpses into the world view of the ancient, medieval, and early modern world.